High Dragon King of Protection, Wealth & Love! Noble Dedicated Spirit Guide!







Here is a True and Rare Treasure! It is the Sacred Vessel of The High Dragon King! Noble and strong, his Highness emits a Guardian Angel's protective energy, guiding good luck and prosperity to you. He is a fierce defender of the underdog and a friend to familiars and white lighted spirits of all kinds! Famous for his Magickal Gifts the King has been sought by Dragon Seekers for hundreds of years. He is cloaked by a Master Protection Spell to hide from those with darkness in their hearts.

His Vessel has been kept by my Circle since the days of King Arthur and absorbed the Energies and Knowledge of each Light Worker to have possessed it before you. The King carries our Secrets and Opens Doors to New Realities and Understandings. I was gifted with the King's Lair when I left my mentor Damen's home to make my own way in the world. He has kept me company on long, lonely treks, and led me to Treasures and Extraordinary Riches! He has protected me from beasts of all kinds and soothed my spiritual wounds. The King will devote himself completely to your happiness, helping you to Manifest Your Best Life and Live Your Destiny!

The High King's Sacred Lair is a 1 1/2" x 1" Pyrite. The King's name and binding instructions are included. I am always available to answer questions regarding your new Spirit.

Dragons are Noble Spirits who will protect you and yours from dangers of all kinds! They are Devoted Companions who guide you to Material Wealth and Riches of all kinds! Be surrounded by all you desire! Never want again! Dragons keep your home clear of dark energies and entities! They will Protect you and yours from ill will, bad luck, and people will dark hearts. Are you ready to Change your Life? Are you Seeking More? Are you Seeking Financial Security so you can focus on your Higher Path? Extraordinary Wealth Powers are Unmatched and Undeniable! They will provide all you need!